Cloud Configuration for the M2MBridge
From AMTech WikiDocs
- Create an amtechM2mBridge thing (Go to "/amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/entity/amtechM2mBridge")
- This thing name is assigned to templateId at bridgeConfig.json (See Edge Configuration)
- Set the bridge production configuration by editing the template instance (See m2mBridge production
- Add the Things types that produced observations (See Thing types)
- Add the observations types from selected things type the m2mBridge will produce or consume (See Observations and observation types CRUD observations)
- Add the Things types that produced observations (See Thing types)
- Configure the topic that m2mBridge will listen for CRUD and command observations, CRUD and command topic must be unique to an user configuration.(See Observation production configuration Topics)
- When the bridge starts the m2mBridgw and the things linked to it by property bridgeInstances will be cloned and own by the user id assigned to the M2MBridge. (See Actors)
- This way of managing configuration ensures centralized management and auto-discovering.
- Create an actor actorX with polices required by the bridge instances (See Actors)
- Add the polices needs by the bridge configuration
- Register a follower (See Roles)
- Assign to the follower actorX access
- Things instance creation
- Configuring autoDiscover (See Edge Configuration)
- The bridge will request the DAP to clone templateId instance with the name convention bridgeIdPrefix:(device mac address) from bridgeConfig.json
- The things linked to the templateId property bridgeInstances will be cloned with the name convention bridgeIdPrefix:(device mac address):thing._name from bridgeConfig.json
- The cloned instance will be giving the access control owner to the follower user id of the M2MBridge.
- Configuring autoDiscover (See Edge Configuration)
- Monitoring M2MBridge status
- Create an SNMPDevice and link it to M2MBridge thing property bridgeInstances (See "/amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/entity/SNMPDevice")
- Configure m2mBridge production configuration
- Create an SNMPDevice and link it to M2MBridge thing property bridgeInstances (See "/amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/entity/SNMPDevice")