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Aggregates observations read from multiple m2m bridges. As a use case, an area has multiple M2Mbridges using beacons to track "things", the intention is to aggregate all the reads done by the deployed M2Mbrigdes into one and execute a centralized smoothing process; if at least one bridge sees the beacons the thing is inside; if no one bridge sees the beacon the things is out.

  • Aggregation can be configured by thing type
  • This configuration is done at amtechM2MBridge instance level
    • Set aggregation type: the list of Thing types that the bridge aggregates
      • Only one bridge can be aggregating a Thing type on a local area network
    • Set aggregation instances: the list of instances that will act as sources.
      • Only one instance by Thing Type can be set.
    • Selecting multiples bridge instances and validating the configurations validates aggregation settings.

At the moment aggregation works just for BLEPeripheralsScanner and BLEbeaconsScanner