Smart Mobile Gateway Privacy policy

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The Smart Mobile Gateway is a device tracking application. It allows to send the information gathered by the device in order to be used within the AMTech services. The user accepts the present privacy policy by signing in on the applications

* Information we collect and how we use it

- The login credentials: user id or email, tenant and password. The application needs the signing information provided by the user when he sign up on AMTech platform and it is used to grant access to AMTech services.

- The SSAID associated to the user and the device: used as unique identifier of the digital twin associated to the device. This value will be different for other users on the same device and other applications and it changes on factory resets as stated here

- Device status information like battery, memory, disk usage, plugin status, etc. : Gathered to keep track of the device health status in AMTech services.

- Location information, fine or coarse according to the device owner selection.: The location allows to keep track of the position of the device on AMTech services.

- Proximity Ble devices advertisement packages: Ble advertisements are scanned whenever the device is configured to do it. This information can be used for indoor location to complement the GPS information

- Application logs: Some information are stored locally for logging purposes. This information is stored locally and AMTech will not have access to it except if the user send it to us explicitly. We will ask for it only in case of further debugging needs

* How they are used or transferred

All the information

* Data sharing