From AMTech WikiDocs
Aggregates observations read from multiples m2m bridges.Use case, an area has multiple M2Mbridges using beacons to track "things", the intention is to aggregate all the reads done by the deployed M2Mbrigdes in one and executed a centralized smoothing process; if at less one bridge sees the beacons the thing is inside; if no one bridge sees the beacon the things is out.
- Aggregation can be configured by thing type
- This configuration is done at amtechM2MBridge instance level
- Set aggregation type The list of Thing types that the bridge aggregates
- Only one bridge can be aggregating a Thing type on a local area network
- Set aggregation instances The list of instances that will act as sources.
- Only one instance by Thing Type can be set.
- Selecting multiples bridge instances and validating the configurations validates aggregation settings.
- Set aggregation type The list of Thing types that the bridge aggregates
At the moment aggregation works just for BLEPeripheralsScanner and BLEbeaconsScanner