Set up a new Raspberry PI
From AMTech WikiDocs
Steps to set up a Raspberry PI with AMTech M2MBridge
- Download image from provided source
- Remove the memory card from the PI and insert it into your computer
- Identify the device path for the memory card under /dev directory (you may use gnome-disks as auxiliary tool)
- Write the image to the memory card. Using
sudo ddrescue -f /path/to/amtech-ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-compat.img /dev/<deviceid>
- Remove the card from your computer and reinsert it into the Raspberry PI
- Boot the PI
- Wired network interface is auto configured using DHCP
- Wireless network is autoconfigured as an AP with SSID 'amtech-pi'; password is 'freepass'. If you connect to this network, the PI will have address
- SSH is enabled
- SSH to the PI by using the following credentials:
- User: amtech
- Password: 4mt3ch.
- Execute
sudo raspi-config
to expand the filesystem- Go to "Advanced Options" > "Expand Filesystem"
- Go to "Finish" and reboot the PI
- Go to http://<address of your pi>/ to start configuring the PI