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WaspmoteBLECentral is a thing type that implements a BLE Central to communicate with Libelium waspmote model using the BLE protocol /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/entity/waspmoteBLECentral. The Arduino sketch running on the Libelium waspmote model should construct the BLE advertisement package following the next guideline:

  1. Write the local attribute containing the device name value "WBLE" BLE.writeLocalAttribute(3, deviceName);
  2. Build a custom BLE advertisement packet
    1. First byte package size
    2. Second byte MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA Identifier 0xff
    3. Third byte Libelium BLE waspmote identifier LIBELIUM_BLEID
    4. Fort byte waspmote model identifier example GAS_PRO = 19 (see waspmote model documentation)
    5. Fifth byte first 4 bits total number of sensors that will be sent in all advertisement packets last 4 bits the amount of sensors values send in current packet
    6. Sixth a message number that should increment with a advertisement packet sent
    7. Next bytes must be set with read sensor value a byte with the id of the sensor from Libelium WaspFrame.h and the value(s) read b the sensor
  3. WaspmoteBLECentral logic uses sensor values type and size from Libelium document data_frame_guide.pdf Sensor ID Table page 13
  • The following c function generates a custom BLE advertisement packet for a Gases_PRO waspmote model sending read from 5 sensors SENSOR_ACC, SENSOR_BAT, SENSOR_IN_TEMP, SENSOR_GP_TC and SENSOR_GP_HUM.
int buildAdditionalSensors()
  int ms = 0;  ; 
  memset(advData,  0x00, sizeof(advData));
  advData[ms++]= MSGADDITIONAL_SIZE;
  advData[ms++] = LIBELIUM_BLEID;
  advData[ms++] = Gases_PRO;
  advData[ms++] = (uint8_t)(10 | (5 <<4));
  advData[ms++] = msgNumber++;
  showValue(msgNumber, "msgNumber", ms);
  advData[ms++] = SENSOR_ACC;
  int x = ACC.getX();
  int y = ACC.getY();
  int z = ACC.getZ();
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &x, sizeof(int) );
  ms += sizeof(int);
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &y, sizeof(int) );
  ms += sizeof(int);
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &z, sizeof(int) );
  ms += sizeof(int);
  showACCValues(x,y,z, ms);
  advData[ms++] = SENSOR_BAT;
  uint8_t vuint =  PWR.getBatteryLevel();
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &vuint, sizeof(uint8_t) );
  ms += sizeof(uint8_t);
  showValue(vuint, "SENSOR_BAT", ms);
  advData[ms++] = SENSOR_IN_TEMP;
  float vfloat = RTC.getTemperature();
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &vfloat, sizeof(float) );
  ms += sizeof(float);
  showValue(vfloat, "SENSOR_IN_TEMP", ms);
  advData[ms++] = SENSOR_GP_TC;
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &temperature, sizeof(float) );
  ms += sizeof(float);
  showValue(temperature, "SENSOR_GP_TC", ms);
  advData[ms++] = SENSOR_GP_HUM;
  memcpy( &advData[ms], &humidity, sizeof(float) );
  ms += sizeof(float);
  showValue(humidity, "SENSOR_GP_HUM", ms);
  return ms;
  • Smoothing configuration can be set by Waspmote model and sensors id leveraging property readSmoothing
Waspmote smoothing configuration