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Revision as of 16:42, 11 October 2016 by EduardoPelegri (Talk | contribs)

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When an activity is published a new resource of type service is created, representing a Software as a Service.

  • This service can be public to all tenants (_ALL) or restricted to a subset of tenants, controlled by the property guesttenants. This property is defined on activity publication.
  • These are the services that followers can subscribe to if they have access (based on the service guest tenants)
  • Services can be grouped using tags to simplify the search
  • Check if the requirements specified by the activity configuration have been fulfilled.
    • Types that produce observations must have instances
    • Types in observations production configuration must have Actors.
    • If the same thing type is configured to produce an observation type in more than one activity, then all the instances of that thing type must have the disambiguation property activityForObsProduction set
    • Validate that there are bridge instances in the tenant of the user performing the validation (this message should be ignored if the user is not using the bridge)
    • Validate that the type bridge is configured to produce observation crud (this message should be ignored if the user is not using the bridge)
    • No empty topics
    • All configurations for producing observations of type observationresourcecrud must have the same topic
      • sendCommand topic (m2mBridge listens to only websocket crud and commands must be send to same topic)