Proximity area

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The things have a field proximity area allows to link a thing to another according to their proximity or, for instance, when a thing is contained by another. One example could be a Shopping center with several businesses divided in two levels. Each business can have its proximity area pointing to a level which points itself to the Shopping center.


Other example can be the countries which are pointed by the country states or provinces and the different municipalities pointing to the corresponding state.

This field can be used for inroom location where there is no access to GPS location or there is not enough precision. It is needed only some sensor like an RFID antenna detecting tags, or any other proximity sensor causing the update of this property.

Things have a property proximityarea setting this property to the url of a thing instance we can establish the "proximity area" we would like to assign to others things:

  • for example is an RFID antenna-1 is located on an entry door of thing "room-1" we could configure the proximityarea to thing "room-1" and request enrichment layer to update the location of the things seen by the antenna-1 (See Proximity updates)
  • (See Reasoner proximity Area)