Centralized Management

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Revision as of 14:47, 18 June 2018 by Lianet (Talk | contribs)

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Leveraging the concepts of templates, clones, and the edition of properties in each of them, both, a centralized and specific configuration can be defined for bridges and its instances.

  • Properties configured in the template are copied to all the clones generated when the bridge starts, allowing a centralized configuration. From that moment on, properties configured in the instances are not overwritten, allowing specific configuration.
    • When a bridge starts, a clone of the template is performed to generate the instances. If the bridge has been previously cloned, then the existing instances are reused
  • Bridge will react to CRUD observations for the cloned instances only, not the templates.
  • Platform will allow modifying properties in a set of instances of the same type (allowing some sort of centralized management). Selection will be done based on search criteria
  • If the bridge is deleted but the instances associated to it remain in the system, the clone will raise an error of ResourceAlreadyExist for the instances. They must be deleted along with the bridge