CRUD observations

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Revision as of 10:59, 8 November 2017 by Lianet (Talk | contribs)

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  • When a CRUD (Create/Update/Delete) operation is executed on a thing instance, an observation type observationresourcecrud is sent if the thing type produces CRUD or if the activity has the thing type in the list of CRUD producers.
  • The CRUD observations are sent to the topic /crud/<thingType> example "topic": "/crud/endCustomer"
  • For Followers, crud observations are sent only if the follower is an admin
  • For things of type AmtechM2mBridge, the CRUD observation of a DELETE operation is not generated (for consistency with the logic that the deletion of a bridge deletes the topic /amtechM2mBridge where the crud observations for the bridge and its instances are)

Things CRUD Configuration

  • Things created with a topology execution using a reasoner, are created via a PUT operation with the parameter createIfNotExist=true, so the crud observation generated will have the operation PUT

User can configure the observation CRUD in The Thing Type User will go to the thing type and add the observationcrud to the observation production. After that every time user create, delete or modify a thing manually or automatically (through the activity) The system will send an observation to the crud topic. Another way to configure observation CRUD will be if user goes to the activity to the CRUD Production field and add the thing type, after this every time the activity create, delete or update a thing it will send an observation to the crud topic.