M2M Bridge
From AMTech WikiDocs
- Configurable edge intelligence
- Bridges standard and proprietary protocols to AMTech IoT DAP.
- Device-to-device or device-to-server communications.
- MQTT, LLRP, CoAP, STOMP, SmartM2M, LWM2M, PLC, Zigbee and others
- Allow remote and centralized control of IoT devices and gateways.
- SNMP/MIB/TRAP, Reader Management and other
- Configurable autodiscover
- Implements common functionality and host the execution of the protocols
- Network failure detection and recovery
- Get centralized configuration information at startup and real time modifications
- Access control policies to manage observation production and consumption
Edge Configuration
- Edge/Device(s) site configuration bridgeConfig.json
{ //text to label bridge instance "description": "AMTech M2M Bridge", "dap":{ //amtech IoT DAP ur "dapUrl": "https://dap.amtech.mx", //userid for the m2mBridge instance "userId": "xxxxxxx@amtech.mx", // tenant where bridge been configured "tenant" : "xxxxxxx", //m2mBridge userId password "password" :"xxxxxxxx", //topic to get crud (observationresourcecrud) and command observations (See CRUD observations Send command ) "crudCommandUrl" :"/xx/xx/" }, //access control information add to send observations "guestSecurity":{ //add guest tenants to observations send from bridge "guesttenants":["progressnext2016"], //add guest users to observations send from bridge "guestusers":[] }, //network failed configuration "networkFailed" :{ //re-connection delay after an instance of plug in failed "reconnectWait" : 60000 }, //bridge startup configuration "pluginLoad" :{ //send observations error when errors occurred at bridge layer "sendM2mBridgeError" : true }, //network failed configuration "logger" :{ //network failed configuration "colorize" : true, //colorize log console messages //network failed configuration "level": "debug" //log level }, //Address use to geo locate m2mBridge instance "address" :{ "country" : "usa", "city": "Las Vegas", "road": "Las Vegas Boulevard South", "number":"3960" }, //Id to uniquely identify a M2MBridge instance, in absence of this property a unique identifier gets created "bridgeId":"m2mBridgeProgressNext", //auto discover configuration "autoDiscover":{ //create things type instances at startup time "execute" : false, //Jsonld instances of the thing to be created "instances":{"SNMPDevice":[{...}], ...} } }
Cloud Configuration
- Create an "m2mBridge" actor
- Add the things type polices the bridge needs access to
- Police must have user check; enabling instance access control by m2mBridge instance
- Add the thing types the bridge creates plug in instances
- Create a follower:
- Give actor "m2mBridge" access
- Uniquely identify each m2mBridge
- Activity observation configuration:
- Configure the observations types the bridge will produce
- Configure the topic that m2mBridge will listen for crud and command observations to be matched with bridgeConfig.json property
//topic to get crud and command observations
"crudCommandUrl" :"/xx/xx/"
- Things instance creation:
*Using amtech creator experience *Configuring autoDiscover entry at bridgeConfig.json //auto discover configuration "autoDiscover":{ //create things type instances at startup time "execute" : false, //Jsonld instances of the thing to be created "SNMPDevice":[ { "setOIDs": "[{\"oid\":\".\", \"type\":\"OctetString\", \"value\":\"Irvine California\"}]", "_lastmodified": 1450988442414, "guestusers": [], "@type": "/amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/entity/SNMPDevice", "_resourcestatus": "valid", "_name": "snmpClientM2mBridge", "getOIDs": "[{\"name\":\"memoryTotal\", \"oid\":\".\"}, {\"name\":\"memoryAvailable\", \"oid\":\".\"}]", "ipaddress": "localhost", "communityString": "private", "emaillist": "", "instanceobservationconfig": "{}", "creationDate": "2015-12-24T20:20:42.407Z", "readFrequency": "PT10M", "guesttenants": [ "follower_m2mcreator@@amtech.mx" ], "description": "An SNMPDevice instance acting as SNMP manager/client proxying snmp commands (get/set/trups) to manager a ubuntu box hosting m2mbridge", "phonelist": "", "@id": "/amtech/things/entities/snmpClientM2mBridge", "snmpVersion": "2c", "_user": "m2mcreator@amtech.mx" } ], …}
Plugins architecture
How to implement a new plugin
- Clone git repository (https://github.com/AMTechMX/M2MBridge.git)
- at /.../M2MBridge/plugins create a directory that matched with the Thing type name to bridge example SNMPDevice
- Implement a nodejs module with the following interface
function SNMPDevice() { } SNMPDevice.prototype.start = function ( context, complete) { try { complete(null); } catch (e) { complete(e); } }; SNMPDevice.prototype.stop = function (complete) { try { complete(null); } catch (e) { complete(e); } }; SNMPDevice.prototype.command = function (observation, complete) { try { complete(null); } catch (e) { complete(e); } }; module.exports.SNMPDevice = SNMPDevice;
How to install it
- Clone git repository (https://github.com/AMTechMX/M2MBridge.git)
- Install nodejs https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/
- Install npm (http://blog.npmjs.org/post/85484771375/how-to-install-npm)
- Delete at /.../M2MBridge/plugins/xxx unneeded plug-ins
- Install packages for m2mBridge core and plug-ins (https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install:)
- Execute npm install at:
- M2MBridge directory
- each plug-in directory