Endpoint for cloning resources :
- /amtech/clone/resourceandlinks<resourceToCloneUri>?newname=<nameForClone>
GET on this endpoint to clone the specified resource without persisting it, generating clones for all the links referenced in the resource. Ex. If called with a resource LLRPReader1, that has 2 anntenas, it will generate a clone for the each of the antennas and the LLRPReader.
- /amtech/clone/resourceflat<resourceToCloneUri>?newname=<nameForClone>
GET on this endpoint to clone the specified resource without persisting it and without cloning the links referenced in the resource.
POST on both endpoint will clone the resource and persist it
The are things' properties such as "proximity area" and "activity for observation production" whose values are always copied to the new resource as a reference, instead of cloning them.
Cloning is supported for : Thing type Observation type Supported properties Thing instances Observation instances