Edge Configuration

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Revision as of 19:05, 30 April 2016 by Carlos (Talk | contribs)

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the edge could be the devices themselves, an on-premise gateway connecting a group of devices, or even a machine in the cloud. The right flavor will be dictated by the use cases, but in every situation there will be value in distributing intelligence to the edge

bridgeConfig.json located at M2MBridge.js directory

    // Text to be assigned to M2MBridges description property
    "description": "AMTech M2M Bridge", 
    // If the description property will be assigned to M2MBridge's linked things
    "description:children" : true,
        // Amtech IoT DAP ur
        "dapUrl": "https://dap.amtech.mx",     
        // userid for the m2mBridge instance bridgeId 
        "userId": "xxxxxxx@amtech.mx",
        // tenant where bridge been configured       
        "tenant" : "xxxxxxx",  
        // m2mBridge userId password  
        "password" :"xxxxxxxx"
    // M2MBridge instance id to be cloned
    // Prefix to add to the unique M2MBridge identifier, the mac address of the device is use as unique id
    // In absence of the prefix just the mac address is used as identifier
    // wkt location to set m2mBridge location overrides address
    "location": "{\"wkt\":\"POINT(-99.17125583 19.40501031)\",\"sContext\":\"geo\"}",  
    // if the location property will be assigned to M2MBridge's linked things
    "location:children" : true,
    // Address to be used to get m2mBridge's location
    "address" :{				 
        "country" : "usa",
        "city": "Las Vegas",
        "road": "Las Vegas Boulevard South",