Observations production and consumption
From AMTech WikiDocs
Observations Produced
In addition to custom observations defined by plugins, the M2MBridge can produce observation types regarding its life-cycle. These observations are only produced if they have been configured as such in the bridge instance used to clone.
- m2mBridgeStarted when load process has finished. Need to be configured in the "Bridge Started Observation" property of the bridge instance used as template to clone.
- m2mBridgeStopped when unload process has finished. Need to be configured in the "Bridge Stopped Observation" property of the bridge instance used as template to clone.
- m2mBridgeError if an error occurred at the M2MBridge logic. Need to be configured in the "Bridge Error Observation" property of the bridge instance used as template to clone.
- Observation types produced by plugins (plugin implementation dependent)
- Placeholders (See Placeholders)
- #{userId} bridge instance user id; set at Edge configuration
- #{tenant} bridge instance tenant; set at Edge configuration
- #{bridgeId} bridge instance name; formed by concatenated see Edge configuration
- templateId Bridge instance ID to be cloned and
- bridgeIdPrefix Prefix to add to the unique M2MBridge identifter
Observations Consumed
The M2MBridge may consume observations of two different types, when those observations have been configured in the observation production configuration.
- observationresourcecrud when a property of a thing instance related to the M2MBridge changes.
- command - Observation types implemented for a plugin as a command to be sent to devices. The M2MBridge validates that it has a valid targetthings (the instance type that will process the command)
Observations Validation
The validation of the observation production configuration checks multiple conditions. The action of validation is executed at