From AMTech WikiDocs
When an activity is published a new resource of type service is created, representing a Software as a Service instance.
- This service can be public to all tenants (_ALL) or restricted to a subset of tenants, controlled by the property guesttenants. This property is defined on activity publication.
- This is the service that followers can subscribe to if they have access to it (based on the service guest tenants)
- Services can be grouped using tags to simplify the search
- Check if the requirements specified by the activity configuration has been fulfilled.
- Types that produce observation has instances
- Types in observations production configuration without Actors.
- No instances for a type set at policies in the actor(s) given to the user.
- More than one activity with observation production configuration for a type with instances without activityForObsProduction property set
- Validate there is only one bridge instance for the user (own no shared)
- No empty topics
- Observationresourcecrud must have same topic
- sendCommand topic (because m2mBridge listens to only websocket crud and commands must be send to one topic)