Observations production and consumption
From AMTech WikiDocs
Observations Produced
In addition to custom observations defined by plugins, the M2MBridge can produce observation types regarding its life-cycle. These observations are only produced if they have been configured as such in the bridge instance used to clone.
- m2mBridgeStarted when load process has finished. Need to be configured in the "Bridge Started Observation" property of the bridge instance used as template to clone.
- m2mBridgeStopped when unload process has finished. Need to be configured in the "Bridge Stopped Observation" property of the bridge instance used as template to clone.
- m2mBridgeError if an error occurred at the M2MBridge logic. Need to be configured in the "Bridge Error Observation" property of the bridge instance used as template to clone.
- Observation types produced by plugins (plugin implementation dependent)
Observations Consumed
The M2MBridge may consume observations of two different types, when those observations have been configured in the observation production configuration.
- observationresourcecrud when a property of a thing instance related to the M2MBridge changes.
- command - Observation types implemented for a plugin as a command to be sent to devices. The M2MBridge validates that it has a valid targetthings (the instance type that will process the command)
Observations Validation
The validation of the observation production configuration checks multiple conditions. The action of validation is executed at