Example plugins
From AMTech WikiDocs
(See exiting plugins)
Bridge bluetooth low energy apple's ibecon and google's eddystone protocols to IoT DAP (See BLEbeaconsScanner) and /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/entity/BLEbeaconsScanner
- Edge Intelligence
- Smoothing for new, broadcast and lost tag
- iBeacon and eddystone protocols
- Placeholders (See Placeholders)
- #{smoothingResult} if smoothing has been set to true EddystoneScan observations can be sent to a topic depending of the smoothing process result [new|lost|broadcast]
- #{eddystoneType} Eddystone frame types, permissible values are uid, url and tlm
- uid broadcasts an opaque, unique 16-byte Beacon ID composed of a 10-byte namespace and a 6-byte instance.
- url broadcasts a URL using a compressed encoding format in order to fit more within the limited advertisement packet.
- tlm telemetrics
- #{eddystoneNamespace} 10-byte ID Namespace
- #{eddystoneInstance} 6-byte ID Instance
- #{proximityarea} Set the EddystoneHub proximity area supported property value to targetThing proximity value field
- #{bleProtocol} [eddystone|ibeacon]
- #{ibeaconUuid'} iBeacon advertised uuid
- #{'ibeaconMajor'} iBeacon advertised major
- #{'ibeaconMinor'} iBeacon advertised minor
- #{'ibeaconProximity} current proximity from sacanner [unknown|immediate|near|far]
- Produced observations (see /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/observation)
- /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/observation/observationresourcecrud
- /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/observation/ibeaconScan
- /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/observation/eddystoneBrodcast
- /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/observation/eddystoneScan
- /amtech/linkeddata/types/composite/observation/eddystoneScan